Swiss Red Cross
This film shows the work by the Red Cross in Laos supporting volunteers in the Northern region of the country.
Filmed and Directed by Adri Berger
Edited by Dara Phattamavong
Special thanks to:
Somchit and Wendy from the Lao Red Cross office
Monika from the Swiss Red Cross
and to all participants in the film
AFCP 2013
The US Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation
Second Exhibtion:
Since 2001 the AFCP has provided support to more than 800 cultural projects in more than 125 countries. This years fund included two projects in Luang Prabang, the final phase of the restoration of Wat Xieng Thong and the second phase of the preservation and conservation of the Lao National Museum collection.
The US Embassy decided to set up an exhibition showing the variety of projects they have supported in Laos since 2001. The exhibition is set up in the National Musuem in Luang Prabang until February 16, 2014.
We were involved in creating videos, stills and setting up the exhibition in the space.
The longer film is shown as part of the exhibition and the shorter film was made as a promo film for the AFCP, creating more awareness about this fund.
AFCP film shown in the exhibition in the National Museum in Luang Prabang
AFCP promo

World Volunteers in Northern Laos
For the last three years the organisation World Volunteer has been active in Northern Laos building schools and lodges from adobe bricks.
They bring people to these places to built structures in this case an ecolodge. After handing over the lodge the income generated from this becomes part of a village fund helping to increase the standard of living in the village.
Below one film showing a group of corporate leaders from DATACOM, a company from New Zealand with branches in other countries too. I also made a short 1 minute promo to give a flavour of the environment and the work the people undertake, and ofcourse showing how much fun it is too, despite all the hard work. Then the third film shows schools with students from both Sweden and Germany.
Films directed by Adri Berger
Edited by Dara Patthamavong
DATACOM in action
1 minute promo for World Volunteer
Students at work and play
ILO’s work in Laos
As part of introducing better social care and insurances the ILO (International Labour Organisation) is assisting the Lao government with this process. Part of the work is to create media material and I was involved in creating a small library of images the ILO can use for campaigns and to illustrate their different media output material like web pages, reports and other publications. Below just a few samples of the hundreds of images we supplied taken in rural areas as well as garment factories, restaurants and other places.

Moments of Bliss
We made these two short commercials for the Tourism Department in Luang Prabang and the work we do is part of our continued commitment to show beautiful images of this World Heritage town in Northern Laos.
IPA Award
2013 International Photography Awards Announces Winners of the Competition
Adri Berger was awarded in the International Photography Awards Competition. International Photography Awards (IPA) has announced the winners of 2013’s competition.
Adri Berger was Awarded: Honorable Mention in Moving Images – Moving Images category for the winning entry “The Seasons.”
The 2013 International Photography Awards received nearly 18,000 submissions from 104 countries across the globe. IPA is a sister-effort of the Lucie Foundation, where the top three winners are announced at the annual Lucie Awards gala ceremony. The Foundation’s mission is to honor master photographers, to discover new and emerging talent and to promote the appreciation of photography. Since 2003, IPA has had the privilege and opportunity to acknowledge and recognize contemporary photographer’s accomplishments in this specialized and highly visible competition. Visit
IPA Contact
Jade Tran
Competition Director
International Photography Awards
6th Kuala Lumpur ECO Film festival 2013
Song of the Lao Elephant has been accepted for screening during the 6th Eco Film Fest in Kuala Lumpur. Please contact us for more information or visit the website. Below the link.
click here to visit Kuala Lumpur Film Festival page for more information
PUKYONG University Korea

PKNU Project Team for community business in Xiang Muak Village, Northern Laos.
Apart from creating a film showing the Korean students at work in the village of Xiang Muak, we also worked on the printed material needed to advertise the new activities in the village. We took lots of photographs and I was involved in some of the creative direction. Paul Bloxham was responsible for all the design of the printed material.
This project was not only about helping the village and introducing ways of creating a sustainable economy but also about giving the students from the Pukyong university a chance to work in the field and gain experience.
I think they did a great job considering the time constraints and the difficult environment.
Below some samples of the printed work.
The video is in Korean. The project is introduced by the project leader and the students talk about their responsibilities and experiences while in the field.

Direction and Photography by Adri Berger
extra photography and edit by Ka Xiong
Special thanks to Sunhee
Graphic Design by Paul Bloxham
Soundtrack from Premiumbeat
Chris after surgery

Chris lived down the road, a friend who apart from his high powered corporate job also ran a shop with beautiful vintage and antiques with his partner Anthony. Early in 2012 he was diagnosed with lung cancer. He suddenly fell ill and had to have emergency surgery as the cancer had spread to his brain. He responded incredibly well to the initial treatment. After he came back home for a short while I asked him to sit for me and let me take his portrait and he agreed. He was his jovial self and very optimistic about his chances. The portrait above was the one I picked as it expressed his state quite well. The portrait below was the one I worked on first and sent to him. He wrote back and below the image you can find his writing. The image above received an honourable mention in the PX3 awards this year 2013.
‘It’s interesting as the portrait looks less gloomy / scary than I expected and I am not sure, if you didn’t know about the scar, that you would notice it…or not at first anyway…
What catches my eye is all the different textures and nuances of “colour”, the mottling on the wall which echoes the mottling around the scar, the bars from the back of the bench, the black lines on the wall which kind of link up with the lines of the arms, and then the light catching all the folds in the T shirt are all really interesting…
I need to spend some more time looking at it more carefully as I am sure there is lot more to see in there…’
Chris Groocock
He sadly lost the battle and passed away in September 2012.

Crossing the Mekong

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