The US Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation
Second Exhibtion:
Since 2001 the AFCP has provided support to more than 800 cultural projects in more than 125 countries. This years fund included two projects in Luang Prabang, the final phase of the restoration of Wat Xieng Thong and the second phase of the preservation and conservation of the Lao National Museum collection.
The US Embassy decided to set up an exhibition showing the variety of projects they have supported in Laos since 2001. The exhibition is set up in the National Musuem in Luang Prabang until February 16, 2014.
We were involved in creating videos, stills and setting up the exhibition in the space.
The longer film is shown as part of the exhibition and the shorter film was made as a promo film for the AFCP, creating more awareness about this fund.
AFCP film shown in the exhibition in the National Museum in Luang Prabang
AFCP promo