Photography is a powerful way of communication, with the help of which, on the one hand, it presents itself to a wide audience of people, on the other hand – dialogue with myself.
Photographing, subsequent perception of photos and their artistic design evoke various associations in a person, memories come to life, creative imagination is stimulated, new ideas about themselves, about possible situations, etc. are formed. A photograph gives a person the opportunity to objectively look at himself, his feelings, and emotions. To make visible personal manifestations, which are reflected in the appearance with the help of facial expressions, gestures, condition, clothes, hairstyle, makeup.
Songs of Lao Book

Below my contributon to this book, 11 photos as part of this group publication with full profits going to fund the Lao Friends Hospital for Children.
Experience the beauty of Laos with a hardcover, 112-page book of photographs and texts by:
Adri Berger, Monica Denevan, Kenro Izu, Yumiko Izu, Michael Kenna, and John McDermott.
8.5 x 11 inches, published by Nazraeli Press and Friends Without A Border.
All proceeds benefit Lao Friends Hospital for Children.
Donation of $50 (fully deductible).
11 – The Bathers
So often an image is more about what is not in the frame, the hardship of living, but in the end it’s a central part of the story within the image. The women bathers are part of a larger canvas with a group of young men washing their motorbikes just to the right. Many villages in Laos don’t have running water systems and the rivers are an integral part of daily rituals like bathing, washing clothes and vehicles.
All these art works are available via Recycled Artists please visit the website for more collections of art.

If you are interested in a full description of the photos in this set please contact me.
About FACE & BODY, a 360 VR Gallery
“Art finds her own perfection within, and not outside of, herself.
She is not to be judged by any external standard of resemblance.” (Oscar Wilde)
Filled with sensuality and emotion the photographs in this virtual 360 exhibition celebrate beauty and dreams. The photographs are a powerful example of photographic craft as well as attention to detail: Showing the texture of skin, highlighting natural curves and making faces stand out in interesting ways, thoughts in action and thought provoking. From the walls to the shape of a hand to the light that shows detail, everything counts, underlining emotional storytelling and unfolding narratives.

Photos reflect the dynamics of development, internal and external changes. It is possible to see, if you compare the pictures taken at different periods of our life and our history. Photography allows you to “stop the moment,” to focus on it, which is simply not possible in everyday life. It gives a person material for introspection, thanks to which a person can see his or her experiences and actions from another side.
We sell beautiful limited edition prints of these art works, please contact me to discuss. Read more info here.

LET'S LOVE a short film by Dorn Bouttasing now on
Let’s Love tells the story of Mai, a young Laotian lesbian struggling to find acceptance and love in a socially conservative society that is not open to her sexual orientation. Through Mai’s complex relationships with her family, friends and wider society, LET’s LOVE illuminates the many obstacles currently facing the LGBTQI community in Laos, making it the first film of this kind ever made in the Laotian context. Mai’s struggle is made worse by the pressure from parents on both sides of her relationships. In the short film these details are approached with great sensitivity at the same time exposing a reality in a highly conform society. Mai’s journey moves from the capital in Laos to the rural area to forget and start afresh. As she finds new love, next Mai encounters emotionally deeply unsettling times in a world that seems to reject Mai for who she really is, a young man trapped in a female body.”

360 VR Gallery - EXISTENCE

All these art works are available via Recycled Artists please visit the website for more collections of art.
Portrait of Time
Human sacrifice takes place on many different levels and around the world we are still seeing this almost on a daily basis. The work here is only a small selection of what this project should be about, and hence is ongoing. Showing places around the world in different time zones but connected to the idea of human sacrifice. This can be directly, through war for example, but also indirectly, being forced to work like slaves to feed the uneven system. Why does child labour exists, why do we need fusion bombs? The plates shown here are the reality of a reflection and an abstraction of these thoughts each exposure 60 seconds.
You Can Stop It; Preventing HIV & Aids
‘You Can Stop It’ is an educational film, directed by Claus Haumer, produced and filmed by Adri Berger for Running Reel, to raise awareness about HIV and Aids.
Please let me know if you would like more information about this film project and how we managed to put this together.
AFCP The Ambassador's Fund for Cultural Preservation (US)
The U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) supports the preservation of cultural sites, cultural objects, and forms of traditional cultural expression in more than 100 developing countries around the world. Cultural heritage endures as a reminder of the contributions and historical experiences of humanity. By taking a leading role in efforts to preserve cultural heritage, the U.S. shows its respect for other cultures. AFCP-supported projects include the restoration of ancient and historic buildings, assessment and conservation of rare manuscripts and museum collections, preservation and protection of important archaeological sites, and the documentation of vanishing traditional craft techniques and indigenous languages.
We worked closely with the US Embassy in Vientiane to set up several exhibitions in the National Museum in Luang Prabang. The work included setting up the exhibition spaces, photography of artefacts, design of panels by Paul Bloxham and overall lead of the production working with photographers in Vientiane to assemble the work and organise the printing in Bangkok by Bloom Pro Lab.
Overall the exhibitions were a great success.
For more information about the AFCP’s work in Laos please click here to visit the AFCP site.
On this site you can also read more on our blog page; AFCP in Laos

Christoph Bergmann; Sculptures for a New Museum (The Imperial War Museum)

Christoph Bergmann was born in 1959 in Breisach am Rhein and grew up in an area rich of history, culture and – due to the vicinity to France and Switzerland – international influence, which was a fertile ground for the creative spirit.
“As a photographer a project like this is not only a great and wonderful challenge but even more a privilege to work with such a great artist. His work is truly beautiful, full of layered meanings. The location of his show was the Imperial War Museum in Duxford UK.”
Portraits from Laos ( 360 VR Gallery)

A set of 4 prints originally printed as Lith Prints, a special technique creating these beautiful tones. These photos were made in Vietnam.

All these art works are available via Recycled Artists please visit the website for more collections of art.