LFHC opens its doors for Children
On February 11th, 2015, Friends Without A Border joined the community of Lao PDR to celebrate the Grand Opening of Lao Friends Hospital for Children in Luang Prabang, Laos.
Another timeless moment
Black & White Spider Nominations
This year I received three nominations in three categories in the Black & White Spider Awards. The categories were: Portrait, Nude and Fashion.

Half Marathon, Luang Prabang
Navajo Weavers in Lao
Sarah Naataanii, Tahnibaa Naataanii and Winter Rose Hoskie.
An artist exchange, from the four corners in the S-W of the US to a landlocked Laos surrounded by five countries.
Filmed and edited by Adri Berger, Camera assistance by Dara Phatammavong, Soundtrack by Michael Bishop

Confluence is where two rivers meet, in this case the Mekong and Khan rivers in Luang Prabang.
When the water levels, after the rains during the wet season, slowly go down it’s time to pick up the nets and go fishing.
Enjoy the scenery!
Filmed and Edited by Adri Berger
Sound track;
Johann Pachelbel
The Asiatic Black Bear under threat of extinction!
Not far from Luang Prabang you can find an Asiatic black bear rescue centre set up by Free the Bears fund. In this short film we show the centre and through interviews with Jude Osborne and Jane Clegg find out more about this organisation and the plight of this animal. The centre is very close to Tat Kuang Si waterfalls, one of the beauty spots near Luang Prabang
Lao Friends Hospital for Children
A project supported and managed by Friends Without A Border together with the Luang Prabang Medical Department. The hospital is being build on the grounds of the provincial hospital and is expected to open it’s doors early in 2015. The film was made to be shown during the annual gala dinner in April 2014 to raise money in support of medical care in SE Asia.
The film was shot and edited by Adri Berger
Production assistants:
Dara Phattamavong
Ka Xiong,
Special thanks to Friends Without A Border!
For donations please visit the website: www.fwab.org
Swiss Red Cross
This film shows the work by the Red Cross in Laos supporting volunteers in the Northern region of the country.