Our Promise posters
The our promise campaign was created for Save the Children and addresses the issues of mal-nutrition and stunting in the Lao PDR. The posters shown here were only a small part of the media materials we created and for tose interested please see the campaign work and description of how we put this together on the blog pages of Running Reel the company I work with for film and production work.
For more information please click this link: Running Reel Blog

Child Safe guarding SCI
Child Safe Guarding film for Save the Children in Laos
The film was made in close cooperation with the children of the Luang Prabang library and their care givers. You will see below a compilation of stills that were taken from the film to show you part of the method we used. This included IPad transitions, whiteboard animatons, set up scenarios and digital studio backgrounds for the two main presenters. Overall we had a lot of fun making this film and the kids loved being part of the process.

Running Reel
For our film and video work: We provide media content and production assistance for all your multi media projects. Please check our the website.