World Volunteers in Northern Laos
For the last three years the organisation World Volunteer has been active in Northern Laos building schools and lodges from adobe bricks.
They bring people to these places to built structures in this case an ecolodge. After handing over the lodge the income generated from this becomes part of a village fund helping to increase the standard of living in the village.
Below one film showing a group of corporate leaders from DATACOM, a company from New Zealand with branches in other countries too. I also made a short 1 minute promo to give a flavour of the environment and the work the people undertake, and ofcourse showing how much fun it is too, despite all the hard work. Then the third film shows schools with students from both Sweden and Germany.
Films directed by Adri Berger
Edited by Dara Patthamavong
DATACOM in action
1 minute promo for World Volunteer
Students at work and play
ILO’s work in Laos
As part of introducing better social care and insurances the ILO (International Labour Organisation) is assisting the Lao government with this process. Part of the work is to create media material and I was involved in creating a small library of images the ILO can use for campaigns and to illustrate their different media output material like web pages, reports and other publications. Below just a few samples of the hundreds of images we supplied taken in rural areas as well as garment factories, restaurants and other places.